Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Impact


There's so much in a head of a little one and so much more in the head of a teacher guiding the little ones....then they grow and you sit back watching them take leadership, show you the way and define what really makes them.They make their choices and present their thoughts in the most articulate manner , they imbibe the values you imparted so subtly. Intrinsically they are an extension of you and you have not realized ,but they are taking a part of you when they leave  ... Because teaching is a life long skill and it's not just about the subjects it's the philosophy behind every subject...
a teacher goes into the class with this approach the students will be deeply engaged and will follow your lessons life long .
Just the other day a Maths teacher at my school shared what he told his students.."Maths"he said "is not only numbers ,it is a story like a book...not all characters are introduced all at once and not only characters seem important but they are needed to weave the fabric of the story together... And the characters that came first are bound to reappear every now and then to give the substance to the story and draw it to a close". An approach such a this is bound to keep the interest of the students alive ..they will develop the love for the subject .The message behind the philosophy will enable them to develop a growth mindset, a curiosity to dig deeper into the subject to know the "story"more to develop the "characters " further and the establish a relationship with numbers.
In such a scenario the left side , right side functioning will not matter .I have seen students take up subjects at the secondary School level for the love of the teacher and not so much a subject ...I have seen students out do themselves to just prove themselves to the teachers they look up to .
After the results declaration of our grade 10 external, all students came to meet me but one ...I wondered through the day...I wrote to him that night and the reply I got was this 

Left me thinking for a long time.... how teachers impact children' behavior and their self worth... I was guilty or was I supposed to set the bar high so children do perform? The thoughts been nagging me......

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