Sunday, October 29, 2017

The day I got Featured....

Appended above all images of my work which featured in the IB world magazine. The whole idea of seeing your name published in a magazine of that acclaim is something that give me a sudden rush of excitement and sense of ownership.

And then again in the UKed magazine...I realised I wanted to write , I could share and express .Then started my baby steps...and I am now learning to balance it out ...

How do I let go.... struggle of a mother

How is the world from up there ? I'll ask you my dear once you take your wings and fly off off to unknown skies , fly off to unknown zones and reach unknown destinations.For now be content in my fold , 'happy to be with mamma' as I hold you to my heart ,close to me my dearest ...

Why are you in a hurry to grow so soon,fly off from the nest ..when did you learn to see the world so differently , when did you grow beyond my lap ? I wonder ?

Mothers universally are a hyper breed not willing to relinquish the hold ..yet fly the fledglings must and we feel a part of us fly off with them .Our dreams must never clash with theirs , they must have the freedom to choose not only their sky but also their strategy to manoeuvre those skies.The more we hold them down the more rebellious will be there flight and then there is a threat of us loosing sight and connect.

As a Teacher to teenage children past 25 years , I have come to conclude that parenting contrary to belief cannot be a bit and try has to be evolving and adaptive,supportive and guiding.we must realise our journey is set we have chosen our path , moving ahead we need to let our children charter their course and dwell in the future they plan to create.For most parents letting go becomes the most impossible thing to do.Relax Mom ...I'll take you with me whispers my daughter gently in my ears as she reads my thoughts...

"You are my inspiration Mumma and I can never fly with out you" says my imp of 13 years ...So for now I rest assured...but just For now ... !!!!

My approach to teaching and learning

I believe that teaching is a process which involves the learning of both the teacher and the students. I enjoy working with children when they are full of questions and at times I am ok with saying "I don't know let's look for the answer"

Any research based ,inquiry based project runs very well for me. I enjoy leading the children through the process of developing a research question. It's always interesting to hear so much that goes on in in the mind of these inquisitive learners. Last year my grade 8  was working on impact of government systems on individual and Socities . Students took up the case studies of India and Pakistan,
 some of them worked on Arab Israeli conflict, and yet another group picked up the Berlin Wall and its impact on the population. Through the orientation and space time and place it should understood that human beings to get impacted in the same manner wherever ,whenever. It was interesting to see how to learn to co ownership to the learning interacted with writers authors newspaper men; making presentations to each other, talking to the parents about with their grandparents getting us oral histories, we even  had Skype interactions with the schools in  Pakistan to understand how the thinking developed in both the countries over time. Our topic covered issues such as marginalisation, migration, division and inclusion,Othering; All in all moving into certain uncharted territory for the children. Most of it was guided inquiry, but some of it we can see children taking it off in a different direction- they were very excited about such live examples that they could relate to; it was further more interesting to see them contribute ongoing class blog  open the parents too and they also commented on the children's thoughts and inputs.
Along the way I asked children to think about any Research question that they would like to work on and it was so exciting to see at each and every child came up with their own Research question ,formulated the question that they wanted to work on and they looked at the action plan that they would go to answer the question and they followed the whole process through. Through this activity were developed so many skills that were needed for my subject the general awareness was created about not only what happened in the past but also how that impacted ask in present times. We also took them for a field trip to one of the border areas of India and Pakistan children saw the exchange between the two border zones and came to know that the events of the past have been exaggerated at times ,interpreted in different ways and that partition of India and Pakistan was as painful for them as it was for our side of the world. As a teacher I learnt that the child is not the only learner. We all are learners in the process of life, the parents needed to learn what to tell the child and not colour their opinion, the teacher need to learn how to guide and mentor the child ,the politicians need to learn how not to use events of the past to suit their needs, the media person needed to learn how not to sensationalize any event. so,to be principled and open minded people of the world there wasn't too much that we would need to do.

I realised this style of teaching not only aided me in letting the children explore in different directions but also give me a direction by the end of it. It was a total win win situation and I enjoyed it thoroughly.