Monday, November 16, 2020

Am I Enough???

 I am enough!!! I did enough! I stood by enough! I stood behind enough! I supported enough! I loved and cared enough! I gave enough! I shared enough! Now I wait and hurt enough! I hope I live enough and can continue to give enough. I wish I get enough, I should be I GUESS... ENOUGH!!!

Trying to awaken the Buddha in my " Everyday life " ... On mani padme hum defines me but doesn't still answer my questions and the universe keeps springing upon me more and more complexities of my daily life. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

What my kids are doing is soldiers diaries.. From different countries that they have chosen. Soldiers share their " Trench experience " And some of them have used that feeling of " Being locked " As in the lockdown.

LOOKING AT THE ABOVE, you may wonder what is a teacher asking the students to do ..AND how is it different than any creative project-based task?
 it is different and that is because of the following reasons :
  • it was conceived during the #Covid times Lockdown conditions 
  • it has been designed and led by the students 
  • the rubrics, checklist all set by the students, so much so that they decided the submission date and they looked at the extension that they wanted to give to the submission.

We worked on #covid times and lock down.we started with developing an understanding of the covid ,the history and geopolitical aspects to it ,the racism surrounding it and then looking at the lockdown.Incidentally,at that time we were to start the topic " why do nations go to war and why is peace keeping difficult.".. So we did start with that ,but didn't leave the #covid out of the lesson... During discussions with a resource person, a UN observer and our own prior knowledge,students started looking at world war 1,they developed a deeper engagement with the topic and as we talked about the trench warfare many of them drew parallels to the " locked in " period of the #covid times.
Very interesting explorations followed post that and we assigned roles to each student as a country representative. They researched and brought their information to class.

The summative ,I normally give with such an approach is an ongoing project ..which is research based and students are able to elaborate upon their learning in their different ways. So a journal it was decided, the students co crafted the rubric ,set the deadline and evaluated their own knowledge and understanding of the topic. We used seesaw as the tool to express their thoughts.

The zoom classes,parlayideas,and seesaw were very beneficial for this process of teaching and learning . The students were not only able to apply their choice and express their thoughts once, but at several occasions such opportunities were given to them to discuss, debate ,and write .These were the formatively assessed activities and were marked on the wizemen.
I am sharing this with you because after attending the PBL session with Suzie Boss earlier this year ,I had set the application of the same in my proposed action plan.
I am happy to say that I was able to advance in that direction very effectively and students ,ALMOST all of them have responded very very well.


#covidlife #teacherlife #collaboration when was ever there any time πŸ•’❓... Did we ever know how to slow down??? Covid came with all its aspects... All the shades.. One was scared of the initial wrath it wreaked, then the hyper washing and sanitation phase, next we saw the settling in zones, then family life nature balances, and reversal of order... The new normal... Then the symbiotic syncing in with nature, with humans.. Reducing the negative impact of our Ill actions on nature.

#covidlife #teacherlife #collaboration when was ever there any time πŸ•’❓... Did we ever know how to slow down??? Covid came with all its aspects... All the shades.. One was scared of the initial wrath it wreaked, then the hyper washing and sanitation phase, next we saw the settling in zones, then family life, nature balances and imbalance, and reversal of order... *The new normal*... Then the symbiotic syncing in with nature πŸŒΏπŸƒπŸŒΏπŸƒ, with humans.. Reducing the negative impact of our ill actions on nature, and the intrinsic connection with our own πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯ tribe... This is where I start to give back the community... I am from them and I share what I have gained with my own.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

When life stopped but time didn't

28 days of Quarantine , 28 days of looking at at life differently ,28 days of learning ,28 days of unlearning...
Never ever had time before to think so much about where I was going what are you doing and how I would be transacting my next few days.

but as is experienced by each one of us in our own different way we see that life may have come to a standstill but only a certain way of life we all have adapted to a new way a new curve which we all know as the virtual way of living ;virtual way of teaching and learning .This Paradigm shift has caused us all educators to be reflective of where we were and where we want to be .Many of us have to adapt to certain changes that were introduced by government systems and schools. As was expected many of us took to the move smoothly but for a lot the transition has been far from smooth
For me ,it took me some time to realise that this was an opportunity that I was waiting for since a long time I also realised that I think better when I am speaking and therefore instead of writing I started on with my podcasts.

The Long Road To My Mind..

The need for being understood,
The balance topples when I am left all alone.
I need to be included, to be with the others...
A long road...
Lonely and winding...
Will I be ok?
If I am ok, you are OK..
I am getting there. I should not be lonely!
Life in it's myriad hues, and yet no one to take away my blues...
So much to say, if only someone could show me the way.
Winding down and up, looking at my half full/ empty cup
Laughing and crying, elated and sighing...
Living, breathing, moving along...
The need presses on,from within... Listening, waiting, seeing, thinking, sinking.
Letting go.. Moving on to what.. The fear looming large " Will I make it" Will life let me take it?
And there I sit, lonely again... The mind ticking...