Name: Aprajita Ralli
Module Name: Understanding self and leadership
Faculty: Smriti
Assignment No.: USL_CPIL_Assignment1
Date of giving Assignment: 6th Oct 2017
Date of submission of Assignment: 15th Oct 2017
Please reflect on your experience and write down your learning as an individual. How will you take this learning forward?
The two days of intensive exchange and interaction led me to think about myself in a very different way. Whether it was Eesha music or the humming together, the blindfold activities to make a square with a rope, the Jenga towers or the pipe and marble group activities each one of us felt connected with the other through thoughts actions and words. The collaboration that came out was phenomenal and I didn't expect that on the very first day. It was interesting to see how we put it all together and the way most of us pitted ourselves at a level lower than our real expectations for goal setting through the estimation activity. I connected with my core competencies and incompetencies. I realised” as in game so in life”- from the self moving to the others to the peers,to student learning; all those connections were made very easily for us.
While, at times there were feelings of success and failure even frustration ;the other times connected with group members and all activities were done with great ease it is it interesting that all our observations of the advertisements and perspective were absolutely the same.
Through the activity when we were to go and sit quietly and see the same thing in pairs it was again very very interesting that all responses and the perspective that came out starkly different .So the idea was how do you what you know ?is it perspective? is it mindset or preconditioning? is it perception is it evidence of facts, conditioning or stereotypes ? when we talk of all of this I would like to bring out that i thought I knew how we knew however I learnt a lot of my perception is only what I interpret after what I observe so experience and rationalism and reasoning world all that leads to my forming certain believes it was very important I realised to consider evidence and decide what to see or believe what was reliable and then come to coherence so I came to understand that knowledge comes true perception experience reason and analysis evidence of fax concepts and assumptions what really counts as experience is different ways of knowing into different types of knowledge and then how are personality impact our thoughts I deeply enjoyed the approach from the individual and then moving on to the other and connecting with the knowledge of studies and of course up lying all of this to what happens in the classroom it is very important at all times to understand the purpose of observation and then keeping all observation to just objectively doing it. The judgement that must be passed should be only evidence-based; we must always ,as leaders believe in informed decision making, while keeping the tentativeness. When making a comment for a student it is important that our review system does not avoid this and we must record facts not really always leading to interpretation .
It was wonderful to therefore ,learn what is skilled observation .It is through various techniques of Fist to five, wearing two hats discourse and understanding that to be a leader and to be the self , one had to be effective in our conversations and plan the shift of mind. I also realised that frequency of conversations is always very beneficial this came out clearly through the debriefs which was sometimes longer than the activity itself.
Also, reflect on three concrete steps that you wish to take in your life.
Suggested format:
* One thing I would continue doing:
ANSWER :I would love to continue with my learning . I feel like a young child , full of questions and curiosity . valuing my independent thought and approach . I would like to think of myself as a life long learner who is willing to take risks and work on the self . When I joined the course it was with the intention of not only learning but also unlearning , to connect not only with myself but also with the external : be it environment , circumstances and people . i wish to fulfill that aim with a single minded focus . As a life long learner i would have to learn new skills and adapt to rapid changes in professional and personal environments
* One thing you would stop doing:
I have been thinking what i would want to discontinue and I realised that the feeling of self doubt and setting a goal which is much below my own capability. To understand that I am capable of a certain performance level would be one thing that I would intentionally start doing at the end of this course. I was very entertained as to how I am perceived by others visa vi how I see myself. The disparity between where I want to be and where I am currently is huge and I feel that it is only me who can bridge the gap. During the course of this session of 4 days ,I got in touch with my inner self. of course ,a lot still needs to be desired in terms of internalizing and introspection but I feel that I have begun on that self journey. So therefore I will stop procrastinating and I will stop looking down on myself and try and perform to the best of my ability. Sometimes it is also important to see yourself as how others perceive you, which is what I have never done and maybe I should do it.
*One thing that you would start doing:
During the course of these four days I realised that I have never been out of stock teacher but I am also not saying I was out of the box. If we want to start anything School wide I must not just act as a simmering pressure cooker but bring myself and my ideas to the force in every meeting always a job as was pointed out by Mr Ramlal is complex and an intellectual job it is so awesome as we scaffold Complex concepts in a limited time and to a huge number of people that we sometimes forget that we need to teach ourselves also. I need to keep repeating and two leaders what the wisdom of practice is. I came to understand how to decipher what would I see or hear in the classroom to say that classroom is a Highly Effective teaching zone or not I have started off with a few strategy is already for instance the Round Robin the rope time, collaborative leadership adaptive systems which has norms of practice and working agreements. I have started to sex down certain essential agreements before I comments my lesson or a meeting and then announce it to the room the repercussions of violating are simple :I do not dictate to the group, the group themselves reach and ideate on what will be done together. I really enjoyed the framework of teaching by Charlotte Daniel for enhancing professional practice and the four domains.I feel that as a leader it is very effective to help teachers accomplish what they must do.
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