Saturday, September 1, 2018

Establishing the CONNECT

A very uplifting exercise for teachers and students to be able to understand how one learns best.... when we say that students must be engaged in their learning process and also identify the most effective way of learning it talks about a higher level of awareness and ownership.
While trying to understand how to enable students to think metacognitively ,l understood different ways of strengthening my teaching as well. I was able to perform at a much higher level in the class vtp planning and more effective ways of  differentiation. I must acknowledge it was it is difficult to begin with, however a very rewarding journey when you saw the children not only perform to the optimum but also to take pride in their process of gaining knowledge and understanding.
A lot of reading and understanding on my part as a teacher led me to believe and conclude differentiation cannot we just at the level of using various tools to put the children to practice, teacher must understand how the child Learns best . Once that was established, the teacher must have a child engage with their learning process to figure out the same . The student has to not only reflect on the learning process but also on their needs. It is at this  higher level that the child is able to produce the desired results and the learning outcome as per the expectation. The motivation and the conscious input of child at this stage, is a source  of pride and success for both the learner and the teacher.
The year started with me hearing the two catch phrases #studentvoice and #studentchoice.....and I thought it would be an easy thing to adapt to, given the nature of my subject.Many activities , teaching strategies would lend themselves to strengthen the choice and voice ; bit by bit I realised it was possible ( more possible than other subject areas to  incorporate the ethos ) but not easy. engaging Students' voice and Choice took a lot of planning , creative Thinking and detailed execution . I learnt ....I did ...and therefore I could . I did .

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


We are always so happy to have our students back in school, and why not after all what is our job...all students' centred isn't it ?
So , this academic year begins and I am full of inhibitions as every year .But all my fears are ill founded and my inhibitions out of the window the minute I see the " devils" in blue , disarming all us adults with their smiles and their animated nonstop chitter chatter.
So ,the day goes off in a haze and through my daze I leave my class working my way out through the maze of student groups and as I head towards the car this tall burly fellow walks across the corridor , hugs me tight and touches my feet ..."MAAM I MISS YOU, CAN'T IMAGINE ANYONE ELSE AS MY FORM TUTOR_"
That was my teacher moment ....I cried and hugged , overwhelmed at the loving gesture .Thinking my day is made; I smile & tell him ,through tears " Bache children move on ...we are here for you anytime that you need us " and soon I am accosted by a whole bunch of these "devils " ,all hug snatchers - my last year's batch .The chitter chatter continues ,I hug I cry tears of joy ....I smile and make my contribution to the banter ....
My job here is done ...and my next batch awaits me tomorrow's a new day and a new way  

Friday, July 20, 2018

Thursday, July 19, 2018

My added glory

2018-19 begins with me gaining ground...this is my attempt this a academic gain access to the professional growth ...

Friday, June 15, 2018


" I want to be some one who my students can remember as "their own" who cared genuinely , I strive to be that teacher who they will take with them through their live's journey. Like I still do ...I would want the values I imbibe to be withheld with pride and conviction"
Been thinking since I doing enough ? Are these self doubts natural and correct ??
When we are on the path of teaching & learning, introspective thoughts are a MUST . It is imperative that we look inward and question our actions and words.Cross examine our intent and steps , because a teacher is not a teacher till she /he is a role model...

Sunday, March 25, 2018

I AM A Teacher...profiling my portfolio my vision and plan ahead

 I believe I want to create a mindset as positive as is possible and lead a team which will not hesitate to bring about a change .My action plan for that will be to encourage more chat sessions , discussions and collaboration.If we are ready to learn as teachers and leaders ,only then will we have our students willing to learn.LEARNING MUST NEVER CEASE...EACH ONE OF US MUST  STRIVE TO BE A LIFE LONG LEARNER!
THIS 👆IS MY VISION...and to fulfill this I bear a positive approach myself 

I am focusing on the learning cycle and personalising my PD, I engage in many online courses to learn the upward trend and to figure out what is the best fit method for me.

As a teacher I will be doing unjust if I believe all children are same , we all individuals are different and therefore must have different experiences in our approach to teaching and learning. So, if we feel that differentiation is a must for students it is essential for teachers too..Through I am a teacher program I learnt how to connect with that different person with in each .

 And so to encourage students voice and choice and not to just harp on in the class by front loading content , but to focus on the concept based analytical approach it is mandatory to change our own methods; to be the most adaptive learners before we engage and empower our students.

What worked best for me was the use of technology ,that made the classes need based and learning brain based.

And I do firmly believe that I can be the change I want to see but can I alone bring out the culture change ...I doubt that.Yes, I can prompt change in my area of influence and I have started to that .Small steps will lead to the big movement we need .

Saturday, March 24, 2018

My vision and action plan Post CPIL ,IAAT

I am a warrior , champion for  the cause of students betterment. I Firmly believe that every student needs a champion and I am willing to go to any lenght for my cause - the student.
It is not enough just to have a student Centred  approach to learning and teaching ,we have to make it student driven .Rita Pierson effectively brings out the need to be the TEACHER CHAMPION to allow students to voice their opinions , no matter what ,to own their learning and their own time and speed and learning ability.

To manage that change I must change 
To be that change i must accept .
To accept I must open my mind
To open my mind ,I must be a risk taker ,to be a risk taker I must care ,to care I need to know what is worth the attention , I must have attributes of a principled , balanced, thinker, I will then inquire and communicate the desire to effect Change.
Once I bring about the change I will reflect

Coaching cycle happens to be the most confusing area for me as many complex forces influence my behaviour and choices as well. Seeing myself as a system would be the first challenge that I would face as a coach. To understand the complex conflicting loyalties within and recognising which one of them acts most on me , what values and interests ,preferences and tendencies aspirations and fears affect my actions and decisions is the trick .And then would I be given the liberty that I extend to others?
The fear I have identified most of all is that of being judged...
To be able to coach can I afford to show that fear ?


Jogging my learning...I think , therefore I am

Is teaching = learning??
I asked my self these questions many times over the years and never did I get any one concrete answer.So, I asked this question again when I became a student for the CPIL I AM A TEACHER PROGRAM...AND A CONCRETE ANSWER I DID GET
not all teaching leads to learning .Since the teacher has stopped being the custodian of all knowledge and recording of data is not the Teachers only job ...
Therefore what the teacher has taught and the student has learnt DOES NOT HOLD GOOD IN CURRENT TIMES.Yes,we need to be aware if there's good teaching  chances are good learning will happen ...the bonus is for the teacher to teach and learner to learn.LEARNING WILL HAPPEN EVEN IF THERE IS NO TEACHER ?
another QUESTION that haunted me long enough to go in self doubt ...and I realised if I am planning and if my LEARNING outcomes and objectives are clear in my vision I will deliver and I will facilitate to that end. I learnt that from the GURUs at IAAT.




Watch video and respond USL CPIL


Optional readings...NCERT and totochan RESPONSE

Assignment 3 response to webinar CPIL

Response to author . assignment 2

Quoting the author "We would first have to acknowledge that all children start off with pre-conceptions of reality. The ‘pre’ refers to the fact that these conceptions are developed before they join a formal school! Each student is far from a blank slate on which we can simply write pages and pages of information. Psychologists have found many examples of the ‘naïve’ or intuitive theories that children construct, about subjects as varied as force, matter, the earth, and numbers"  children often  construct knowledge based on their pre-knowledge. Teachers can act as facilitator to facilitate this process of construction. But in India, I feel we do not have too much hand-on experience of this process.
As I read and reread the chapter on ‘learning’, it became more and more clear that the activity of teaching is about owning responsibility – owning responsibility for their learning. As I finished reading the chapter I felt the need to ask this question – if something is not clear to children, is it their constraint or mine ,as a parent and a teacher??
I was often told as a teacher " what a teacher has not taught ,the child has not learnt" and for many years I believed that ...but now in my present workplace I realise that is a misconception ;
students also feel at times they can't do it they don't know how to ,do they don't extend themselves...and as a teacher I don't teach but play the role model, don't dictate but let them build up their knowledge and understanding through different ways.
I simply loved what Ms Kamala says" Remember you need to do two things for a student to learn something new: activate relevant existing schemas, and fit new information into existing schemas.
If the misconception of students be spoken...their reasons can be schemas and conditioning..but dispelling these is our challenge as adults.while in many progressive schools one sees it happen ; generally too many influences withhold learning in a large number of schools across our country.

Assignment 1 I AM A TEACHER

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I believe that teaching is a process which involves the learning of both the teacher and the students. I enjoy working with children when they are full of questions and at times I am OK with saying “I don’t know. Let’s look for the answer.”